Tribal wars 2 facebook
Tribal wars 2 facebook

tribal wars 2 facebook tribal wars 2 facebook

You can prolong their life by using moondust. And speaking of age, all of your tribespeople will age and eventually die. The uses we've found include reducing the time it takes tribespeople to level up or for buildings to be constructed, as well as making tribespeople feel younger than they really are.

tribal wars 2 facebook

Stardust and moondust have many different uses, but the game doesn't tell you what they are, instead encouraging you to experiment. All of these events provide the player with additional resources. This includes the appearance of mushrooms, falling of stardust and moondust, a rainstorm, or a crate, which can contain any number of items, washing up offshore. Every minute and a half or so, an event will happen on the island. Resource gathering and leveling up can be found in lots of games, but My Tribe is different with little extras. In addition, once you have the "recipe," you can craft clothes for your people, and attaching gems to these items will increase certain skills, depending on the gem. As you increase their skills in the area of their job, they will do their work faster and more efficiently. You assign them jobs by simply dragging them to item you want them to do, like dragging them to trees or rocks, or putting them out in the water to fish. Each adult can also be assigned to a job, such as harvesting rock or wood, farming, fishing, or researching new technologies. Each individual tribesperson levels up over time, and you can choose to increase their skill in six different categories that will help them be productive members of the tribe.

Tribal wars 2 facebook